Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hello friends!
Long time to blog...about 3 months to be exact. Clearly I have been too busy pinning and thinking up DIY projects that I cannot in reality do myself to blog. I am in somewhat of a limbo with this blog...I have some ideas for the direction I want to take it in but have not made any decisions yet so until I do, I would greatly appreciate it if you would be entertained by what I am about to share. The wicked smaht kids over at Google have take the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game to a new level. Simply enter the words "Bacon Number" into the Google search engine followed by the celebrity of your choosing and VOILA! Please see below as I provide some examples:

"Bacon Number Marilyn Monroe"
Marilyn Monroe's Bacon number is 2
Marilyn Monroe was in Some Like it Hot with Jack Lemmon
Jack Lemmon was in JFK with Kevin Bacon

"Bacon Number Sergei Bezrukov" ----> Sergei Bezrukov is a well known Russian actor who starred in my favorite Russian miniseries and a man that 99% percent of you have probably never heard of
Sergei Bezrukov's Bacon number is 3
Sergei Bezrukov was in Konstantin Khabensky in Admiral
Konstantin Khabensky was in Wanted with James McAvoy
James McAvoy was in X-Men: First Class with (you guessed it) Kevin Bacon

See how it works?? I could seriously do this all day.

You're welcome for giving you something to do at work.

Outraged that he can't dance...and also that he has never
made a movie with Betty White

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nora Ephron

Just got an alert on my phone that the great Nora Ephron has passed away. Although I have never met her or else everyone I know would have heard the story about how I met Nora Ephron, I pretty much love everything she has ever written/directed. Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, I feel Bad About My Neck...the list goes on and on...and on and on. Her brand of humor was subtle and hilarious at the same time. Her book 'I feel Bad About My Neck' was definitely a memoir about getting older but for some reason, I could still relate to everything in it even though I was not forgetting where I left my keys and not forgetting what my ATM password was. Her comedic genius spanned generations and she will be missed. For sure.

Harry Burns: Had my dream again where I'm making love, and the Olympic judges are watching. I'd nailed the compulsories, so this is it, the finals. I got a 9.8 from the Canadians, a perfect 10 from the Americans, and my mother, disguised as an East German judge, gave me a 5.6. Must have been the dismount. 

...Classic Nora

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hey lady!

Just found this hysterical tumblr...Downton Abbey meets Ryan Gosling apparently.
Check it out here!

Thanks again to Jess R.! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A little positivity

Sometimes, when one has been having a crappy couple of days, it is nice to treat oneself to a little dose of positive energy and remember that it is not the end of the world. So in the spirit of positivity, here is a little collage that I have put together that I hope will put a smile on the faces of all of those Debbie Downers out there (myself included). Enjoy!

Also, if you are feeling truly down in the dumps, look at the photo below and just let the happiness (and tears) flow out. I could not imagine a happier moment.

there are no words...

All photos courtesy of Pinterest (of course)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fleet Week

NYC Fleet Week holds a special place in my heart because it was there, six years ago, that I met one Chris Baughman, who as it turns out would be the one for me, my main squeeze and legally bound life partner if you will. If you like a man in uniform then Fleet Week is the place for you...every Memorial Day weekend, the city of New York fills up with hunky men (in uniform of course) and it is not hard to find one to smooch with since for the most part they are very friendly (and did I mention hunky?). I found my sailor at the South Street Sea Port but if you are in the market for a sailor, you can really find them anywhere. If you want to find one fast then I would suggest Times Square, it is like a sea of white there.
Anywho, in honor of Fleet Week and to pay tribute to our service men and women, here are a few pictorial representations of NYC Fleet Week

fleet week
Big Navy ship with Statue of Liberty in the background

Fleet week ❤
What every eligible gal in NYC has on their camera

Fleet Week
Cool flyover photo

Fleet week, NYC 2011
Sailor and Marine

Chris and I the night we met

Friday, May 25, 2012

I've been lazy

So it has been awhile since I blogged and let's be honest, I have been lazy. I have been trying to get back into a steady exercise routine and that has unfortunately been taking up most of the part of my brain that historically has been reserved for blogging (and also pinterest). I am going to try my hardest however to blog a little more while simultaneously also exercising a little more - let's see if it can be done. For now, Happy Memorial Day weekend to all! I hope to having a lovely and enjoyable weekend which in turn should give me something of meaning to share with you next week.
Until then...ciao!

Monday, April 23, 2012

I love a good...

Sushi Roll
rainbow sushi roll

Glass of wine
Kim Crawford Wine.

Rare steak
Sirloin steak, nice and rare

CHANEL  A Woman of her Own  Axel Madsen

Dirty Martini
Dirty, dirty martini

Old movie
some like it hot

Hotel room
hotel room