Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hello friends!
Long time to blog...about 3 months to be exact. Clearly I have been too busy pinning and thinking up DIY projects that I cannot in reality do myself to blog. I am in somewhat of a limbo with this blog...I have some ideas for the direction I want to take it in but have not made any decisions yet so until I do, I would greatly appreciate it if you would be entertained by what I am about to share. The wicked smaht kids over at Google have take the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game to a new level. Simply enter the words "Bacon Number" into the Google search engine followed by the celebrity of your choosing and VOILA! Please see below as I provide some examples:

"Bacon Number Marilyn Monroe"
Marilyn Monroe's Bacon number is 2
Marilyn Monroe was in Some Like it Hot with Jack Lemmon
Jack Lemmon was in JFK with Kevin Bacon

"Bacon Number Sergei Bezrukov" ----> Sergei Bezrukov is a well known Russian actor who starred in my favorite Russian miniseries and a man that 99% percent of you have probably never heard of
Sergei Bezrukov's Bacon number is 3
Sergei Bezrukov was in Konstantin Khabensky in Admiral
Konstantin Khabensky was in Wanted with James McAvoy
James McAvoy was in X-Men: First Class with (you guessed it) Kevin Bacon

See how it works?? I could seriously do this all day.

You're welcome for giving you something to do at work.

Outraged that he can't dance...and also that he has never
made a movie with Betty White