Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Healthy living is hard, really hard. I haven't been at it for that long but I must say that every day is different. Some days are easier than others and then there are those days where you think you will die if you don't have that red velvet cake pop (and you do because they are delicious). So I wanted to share with you all some of my favorite motivational photos and sayings. As some of you know, I am on Pinterest a lot and people post TONS of these things, 50% of which are the "Unless you puke, faint, or die..." Jillian Michaels quote. Some, however, are truly inspiring and really make you want to be better.

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This girl - who the hell is she? A robot?

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Actually one of my favorite quotes. Put this on your fridge to keep yourself from binging.

░ To Exercise Or Not To Exercise? ░
I love a good flow chart

We're all busy, if you're serious about being healthy then it's no longer an excuse

This is awesome
2 reasons for liking this one:
1)It reminds me of that episode where Rachel doesn't want to run with Phoebe because she looks like a maniac
2)Minus the yellow jacket, this is actually pretty close to what I looked like at mile 12 of my half marathon (only sweatier)

NO ONE is a bigger inspiration to me than my husband. This motto reminds me of him - this is 100% his mentality, it's how he has been able to run 5 marathons in the last 3 years and it's how he manages to wake up at 5 AM every day and go running. Chris Baughman, you're a stud!

I hope these have inspired you, even a little bit. I am constantly looking for inspiration because it is not easy to keep going. Also, if any of you out there need some motivation, I will gladly come to your house and yell at you like Jillian Michaels! : )

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