Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Urban vs. Rural

I am constantly thinking about where I would love to live. I was born in a big city, my parents spent the first 32 years of their lives living in a big city (as my father says when discussing the reason that the shrubs in the front yard are dying "I don't know anything about plants, I'm a city boy") so I do gravitate towards city life in a way. My husband, on the other hand, hails from a not so big city in the Midwest and while I wouldn't want to live there - I must say that there is something nice about living out in the 'burbs with a big backyard and a wrap around porch and a golden retriever (I was going for a cliche country image there, did it work?)
Here are two collages that I put together that represent the best of both worlds, in my humble opinion...enjoy!


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