Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Get organized in the new year!

Although personally I don't make New Year's resolutions, for those of you out there whose resolution is to get organized...I'm here to help! Here are some tips that I have found to be helpful in my own life.

1. Go paperless
Now I understand that we live in the 21st century and everyone has a computer and a phone and the like but you would be surprised how much paper there still is out there. Now some of it is pretty paper (like my 2011 Paper Source calendar that I can't part with so I am going to attempt to make it into coasters...stay tuned for that disaster) and some of it is important paper (like your birth certificate...don't get rid of that) but other paper can just go. For example, instead of writing out a grocery list I downloaded a grocery list app on my phone. That way, I don't have to carry around paper and then leave it in my bag to get all old and wrinkly and I can also delete the list once I am done using it (or not - if I intend to shop for a lot of the same items again).
There are tons of other cool apps similar to that one out there. I also have a Google docs app that links me to all of my vital Google Documents, such as my holiday shopping list, which was super easy to update since I had a direct link to them.
Another tip - buy a shredder. Put all paper that you no longer need in it and recycle it. Now you are staying organized and saving the world all at the same time.

2. Use your electronic devices to their full potential
For those of you out there with smart phones, and tablets, and even laptops - do you know how powerful these devices are?
PREDICTION - a few years from now instead of having a home computer and a work laptop and a personal cell phone and a work cell phone, you are just going to have ONE PHONE and it will store everything (or else it will be stored on the cloud and you will be able to access it from anywhere). You heard it here first folks, it's the future!
For those of you that have trouble keeping track of all of your bank account balances and credit card balances and department store card balances and anything else finance related. Mint offers a great way to consolidate all of your accounts into one simple easy to understand format that you can then view with their smart phone app. It will tell you when to pay your bills and if the balance in one of your accounts is low and other awesome things that you may not remember to check on yourself.

3. Create a "junk" email address
Since I have a phone that gets emails, every time I get an email it immediately pops up on my phone and I get excited because I think it's something important but it's usually just an email from Old Navy or something like that. HOWEVER, if you create a junk email account and don't connect it to your phone, you will never have to see that stuff (unless you want to).
Also, consider unsubscribing from emails sent to you by websites that you know you don't need the first time you get an email from them.

4. If you haven't worn it for a long time, get rid of it
You will notice that I didn't put a set amount of time in here because I understand that everyone is different, but be realistic. If you have 40 black t-shirts and you only wear 5 of them, perhaps it's time for the other 35 to go to Good Will. Also, try to keep only one or two "back when I could fit into this" outfits. All they do is make you sad. Plus, you can always get more and better clothes when you are hot and skinny. If you want to keep some of these clothes, my suggestion would be to put them away in a place where you don't have to look at them every day but can still try them on when you want to.

5. Don't get overwhelmed
I speak from experience when I say that it is hard not to get overwhelmed...but also not impossible. My suggestion is to focus on one organizational project at a time. Organize your coat closet, wait a few days and organize your pantry. Organization should be a way of life not something you do for 12 hours straight and never do again.

6. Don't organize in a way that doesn't feel natural
All of my tips above are useless if they don't work for you. You will most likely not be able to maintain an organizational routine if you can't remember what it is or if it's too hard to do. Now this is not an excuse to be lazy and not get organized but you need to find what works for you - getting organized is a very personal experience, it has to work for you in order to work forever.

And finally, if anyone wants me to come over and organize the shiz out of their home, just let me know - I will be there, free of charge (unless I can somehow parlay this into a successful business in which case I will have to charge just a little). I might even bring my awesome mom ( I learned everything I know from her) in which case you will be so organized you will never be able to find any of your stuff ever again : )

Oh and here is Real Simple's Get it Together Plan.

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