Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The best cider

Have you ever visited a foreign land, stumbled upon a scrumptious alcoholic beverage and then spent months dreaming about how to get your hands on it? Did you start by Googling it, find a distributor and then hit a dead end? Well that's what happened to me folks. The hubs and I were all happy as clams in London on our honeymoon and while dining at Browns Brasserie tried an amazing concoction of the cider variety called Aspall. When I say that it was the libatious highlight of our trip, that is not an exaggeration. Well to be honest, it was probably a tie between that and all the wine in France (we had a realllyyyyyy good honeymoon). The taste of that cider makes me want to swim across the Atlantic ocean.  Anywho, fast forward to the Friday before Christmas at Whole Foods in Legacy Place. The hubs and I are in there braving the crowds. I walk away to get some pancetta and what do I see when I get back to the cart?? ASPALL!! Chris was perusing the fancy shamancy beer section and stumbled upon it quite by accident. I was so excited that I started to jump up and down and gave Chris a big hug. People stared. Some would find it embarrassing, I was too happy to care. The next few days were spent in Aspall cider heaven. Not only is it the perfect honeymoon beverage, it is also the perfect Christmas time beverage. It really is so multi functional. We went back again and only found one bottle so I fear that this may have been a temporary situation and I will never taste that sweet sweet cider ever again (that is until we visit the UK again). Has anyone ever seen it anywhere other than Whole Foods??
What it's all about

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