Thursday, January 26, 2012

How about a Snuggie?

So last week I was chatting with my friend Christy about this, that, and the other, and she brought a hilarious blog post to my attention. Some of you may have seen it, but it is a text message exchange between a hilarious man (and my new imaginary internet best friend) Eli and his unknowing "victim" Jane. The premise is this: Jane mistakenly texts Eli, thinking that he is Amanda and begins to discuss the idea of splitting a wedding gift for a mutual friend. Jane wants to get a block of wood with some words on it; "Amanda" aka Eli, thinks a snuggie would be better. Needless to say they spend some time discussing it and hilarity ensues. Now remember, Eli does not know Jane, she is a complete stranger to him - he is just damn funny and likes to text with strangers. I like his sense of humor.
Here is the link to the blog post and here is part two (there is a part two in which Jane finds out her mistake has turned into a viral blog post...hilarity ensues yet again)
I am going to spend the rest of my free time this evening reading his blogs and laughing will be fun and also a good ab workout.

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