Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fridge decorating and why it matters

I have actually been wanting to blog about this topic for quite some time. I love finding new and unique ways to express myself and fridge decorating is one of the best ways I have found to do so. The benefits of decorating your fridge are two fold:
1. All of your guests can see your creations because at one point or another, most people end up by the fridge
2. Let's face it, you spend a lot of time at the refrigerator too. Whether it is because you enjoying taking things out of it and eating them or whether you stare longingly at it wishing you could eat everything inside, you are there so you might as well enjoy it. Plus, it is a great way to remind yourself of the people and things that you love on a constant basis.
Personally, I look at the outside of my refrigerator as a work of art. Everything is strategically placed and I actually take time to think through what I am going to put and where. I realize most people are not this anal about what goes on their fridge, and it certainly is not mandatory in order to achieve refrigeration decoration greatness but I think it's fun and I enjoy doing it.
So without further ado, I present My Fridge. Please to enjoy and inspire.

1. Picture collage area. Includes photos of Chris and I on the night we met and also some of Chris before I knew him.

2. SPBII  - my best friend under the age of 3 and the son of one of my favorite people in the whole wide world

3. Photo of Chris, his brother and sisters. Fun fact about my husband: He has 5 brothers and 2 sisters. He is two weeks younger than 2 of his brothers and another one of his brothers and one of his sisters were born just days apart. I now leave it to you to figure it all out.

4. The card that came with my "Will you be my matron of honor" cookie from my bestie. I keep it on my fridge as a constant reminder of what an honor it truly is to be part of her special day in this way

5. Two black and white photos. One of my parents and the other one of me when I was a little baby and my grandma.

6. Wallet sized wedding photo to remind Chris and I of our special day

7. SPBII (AGAIN). I really love this kid.

8. Assorted magnets from trips I have taken and things I like. Includes mementos from Abbey Road, Baker Street, St. Paul's Cathedral, Los Angeles, The Trapp Family Lodge, and showcases my love for wine, Batman, and British war time slogans.

9. Card from my bestie and her brood which came with the anniversary gift she sent to Chris and I.

10. The card that came with the flowers that Chris sent me for our one year anniversary. What a stud.

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