Saturday, March 31, 2012

Makes me remember....

Ever catch something on TV that makes you remember how much you love something? Well that just happened to me. Chris and I were channel surfing earlier and caught a concert on PBS - Idina Menzel in Toronto. For those of you that watch Glee, Idina Menzel plays Rachel Berry's biological mother. For those of you that don't, she was the original Maureen in Rent. For those that know me, you know that I am a HUGE Rent head....HUGE. Listening to Idina talk about her experience with Rent and especially working with her friend Jonathon Larson, the creator of Rent, the man who spent 10 years writing Rent and who died tragically of an aortic embolism on the eve of it's premier...was amazing and reminded how much I love Rent and how I could listen to it every single day with ease. It also reminded me how lucky I am to have seen it twice before it closed on Broadway and how great my husband is to have bought me tickets to see it off-Broadway this past summer. And let me tell you, it's still the best show out there.  For those that have never experienced Rent....please do. You will love it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Art Institute of Chicago

One of Ferris and Co's stops on his day o' fun is one of my favorite spots in Chicago. I'm talking about the Art Institute of Chicago. I love museums, especially art museums and this one has a tremendously impressive collection. Here are a few pieces that are not to be missed:

Grant Wood - American Gothic
American Gothic

Georges Seurat - A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte -- 1884

Edward Hopper - Nighthawks

Mary Cassatt - The Child's Bath
The Child's Bath

Monday, March 19, 2012

He never drives it...

...he just rubs it with a diaper

1962 Ferrari GT California
As you may have guessed, replicas were used to achieve this:

However, a real Ferrari GT was used for the close up shots.

Ferris Bueller Week

After clicking publish on my last post and then thinking about it for about 7 seconds I have decided that this week will be dedicated to all things Bueller.


Uhh, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

FYI - the above has been written from memory. Memorizing convoluted movie lines is kind of one of my special talents. Another one is rapping. Seriously.

Random '80s Movie Quote

This quote comes to you from what is probably my FAVORITE movie of all time (and for those of you that know me, know how hard it is to narrow it down to just ONE movie) - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Student 1: This guy in my biology class, said that if Ferris dies, he's giving his eyes to Stevie Wonder! Oh he's such a sweetie! Gotta Go!
Student 2: Hi Jeannie
Jeannie: Shut up!

Listen to it HERE

P.S. I just realized that I have never posted about Ferris before - so stay tuned for more Ferris related blogging...Ferris Bueller you're my hero

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The collapse of civilization

The end is near people. Snooki is pregant which means soon there will be little snooki's taking over the earth. It is official, we are all doomed. Next thing you know there will be aliens in the car next to you when you are stuck in traffic and Star Wars will be "what the world used to be like". Thank goodness I am going to Indiana this weekend....I can hide out among the corn until this whole thing blows over.