Saturday, March 31, 2012

Makes me remember....

Ever catch something on TV that makes you remember how much you love something? Well that just happened to me. Chris and I were channel surfing earlier and caught a concert on PBS - Idina Menzel in Toronto. For those of you that watch Glee, Idina Menzel plays Rachel Berry's biological mother. For those of you that don't, she was the original Maureen in Rent. For those that know me, you know that I am a HUGE Rent head....HUGE. Listening to Idina talk about her experience with Rent and especially working with her friend Jonathon Larson, the creator of Rent, the man who spent 10 years writing Rent and who died tragically of an aortic embolism on the eve of it's premier...was amazing and reminded how much I love Rent and how I could listen to it every single day with ease. It also reminded me how lucky I am to have seen it twice before it closed on Broadway and how great my husband is to have bought me tickets to see it off-Broadway this past summer. And let me tell you, it's still the best show out there.  For those that have never experienced Rent....please do. You will love it!

1 comment:

  1. I love me some Idina! She's been amazing in everything she's done. I loved her in Wicked too!
