Sunday, April 22, 2012

Coming Soon...London 2012

Hello friends! Long time no blog. Admittedly, I have been a bad blogger as of late but I am hoping to turn that around with more posts in the weeks to come. This evening I write to you about something that I am very excited about...this year's summer Olympics. First of all, I love the Olympics. I love it when like the entire world comes together for something, it makes me think that maybe we don't all hate each other even if it only for 2 weeks every few years. Well this year it is SO MUCH BETTER because the games are being held in LONDON!! I love London, been there twice, would go back a million more times. Chris and I spent part of our honeymoon (AKA the best honeymoon ever) there and loved it. So you can imagine how excited I am to be glued to the TV for two weeks straight starting July 27th. Here are a few highlights for you that I have discovered on the London 2012 website:

1. I am fascinated by the structures that have been built to hold the games. Here are some examples:
Olympic Stadium aerial view
Olympic Stadium
An aerial view of the Aquatics Centre.
Aquatics Center...where Michael Phelps will win many medals

Aerial view of the Velodrome
The idea what this thing is
2. A day in the life of a torchbearer. Read it here. It made me cry...I'm such a loser

3. The cyclops looking Olympics Mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville. Yes those are there names...they are so British!
Which one do you think is sexier?

4. I have been trying to guess who will light the Olympic torch to start the games this year. So far I am thinking that David Beckham will definitely have some sort of major role but will probably not be the one to actually light it because there has to be another British athlete that is more legendary than him, I just don't know who that is. Any ideas?? Make sure to tune in July 27th to find out!

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