Monday, January 9, 2012

Overcoming the fitness plateau

While many people are just starting their fitness routines in time for the new year, I find myself reaching a fitness plateau. I have done well with eating and exercise for about 6 months now but am not seeing the kind of results that I was seeing in the past. Therefore, I took in the internet to learn about ways to overcome this annoying little thing. Here is some of the information that I found:


Cheat on your "diet" - I use the word diet in quotes here because it implies short term change which is not what I am going for. I have, however, read this and heard from several people that eating all of that stuff that you don't eat because it is bad for you for a day or even for a meal can help to boost your metabolism when you go back to your regular clean eating habits.

From (clearly more exercise-based)

Switch up your fitness routine - This is something that I tried last week when I was on vacation and it felt pretty good. My normal cardio consists of straight running but I did the elliptical a few times and it was a nice change plus I could really feel the burn in my legs which kind of hurt but it was on of those good pains if you know what I mean. recommends doing more interval training which helps to exercise your muscles and your heart and as an added bonus, it also burns more calories.


Take an active rest - this website suggests taking time off from your fitness routine and doing something more low impact such walking or leisurely sports. This gives your body and your mind a break from your otherwise hectic exercise schedule and you return feeling rejuvenated.

I hope you all have found these tips. I am currently trying tip#2 (since I pretty much tried tip #1 for the entire month of December) and if it works, I will definitely be blogging about it!

How many fitness plateaus do you think I
have to hit before I look like this?

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